One hundred (or so) things I love

Los Angeles, CA
2 chilren - 1 boy (11), 1 girl (5)
the smell of Jasmine . baby powder mist . salad w/spinach leaves . Sissy
Lou . The Boy . skirts . forehead kisses . short stories . facials . bubble baths . red seedless grapes . yoga . chai latte w/ foam and whip . my mom . lying on grass in warm shade . the beach . traveling . cooking . intimate conversation . writing letters . a boy named Alex . sea salt . picture frames . buddhadharma . having my feet rubbed . deep breathing . soft soil . driving across country . dining out . sleeping in . reading . singing . interesting
men . strawberries . discovering new neighborhoods . dancing . taking long walks . touring new homes . stretching . being touched . laughing . listening to stories . sitting in Rituals . going to the spa . museums . water colors . mysterious men . eccentric women . lectures . Tavis Smiley . Cornell West . Ira Glass . church choirs . Easter Sunday . Black families . Soul music . Range Rovers . cream cheese brownies . fis
hnet stockings . beautiful jewelry . private spaces . big mamas . hammocks . places of worship . chanting . women in hijab . silence . me . freedom . peace . men who write . Nights in NY hotel bars . baby girls . rebellious women . teachers . carnivals . French baguettes w/ real butter . farms . laundry on the clothesline . days to myself . fr
esh produce . Louisiana Faire . mojitos . live music . white beards . Black love . crying softly . my pale yellow bench . marriage . daydreaming . old flame memories . art . brightly painted walls . weddings . graham crackers and milk . new experiences . future prospects . the word "circumvent" . smiles . naked bodies . fish . learning . my pregnant body.

*I realized recently that I want to have another baby. OMG! honey :o)
Labels: Favorite Things, Pregnancy