Grateful for an (extra)ordinary life
Kymberle - 36
Maricopa, AZ
2 Girls - (12) and(2)
Today was a beautiful day. A friend mentioned how much he envies my weekly vacations. I never thought of being at home as a vacation; laundry, homework, carpool. I imagine to him and others, being able to flee the workplace could be envisioned as a get-away. Some days I feel guilty for not accomplishing anything other than making sure the girls made it to their appropriate destinations and resting. It feels like so much time is wasted. On the other hand, much needed sleep is gotten. I wouldn't need so much if I didn't grind so hard Thursday through Saturday. It’s time to make some Decisions.

I miss my girls terribly when I'm in Pasadena. Skye will be a teenager soon. She needs me close. I want to be close. Savannah is growing so fast. She's so smart. And they are so different! The girls are both on winter holiday. Skye left for California this morning. I pray for her safety and hope she enjoys herself immensely. I love her so much...I don't think she even realizes. She's in a very awkward stage, which is difficult for both of us. I'm trying to be more patient. I want her to feel safe, confident, and comfortable with herself and our relationship. I wish she would ope

I will continue to pray for guidance and her covering. Thank You Lord for blessing me with two beautiful, healthy daughters. Thank you Lord for keeping them safe. I pray for constant spiritual covering; safety from harms way. Lord, keep them close to you first, and each other always. Instill in them a desire to serve you O Lord and teach them to walk in your will. Bless our home. These things I ask in your son's name. Amen.