To Son, With Love

Robyn - 35
1 child – son (21 mo)
Southfield, MI
I recently got up the energy to make good on a promise that I‘d made to myself 21 months ago. That is, to write my son letters. Why you ask? I want to chronicle his young years in a way where he can read about them and feel what was going on at that time.
I said that I was going to start when he was born and one day turned into five, turned into five months which turned into today. But doggone it, I am doing it now. I want him to know what his mommy was like when she was ______ years old. I intend to do this once a month or at least once every three months (so that there’ll be something interesting to talk about) because life can get boring and mommies and daddies can get tired, yet he grows and he grows.
I know that he won’t appreciate it when he’s young (unless he turns out to be a very sensitive child), so I don’t intend to show it to him until he gets into high school….maybe college! This will be part of his lineage, part of his legacy to his grandchildren and so on; a documented griot’s version of the most precious time of his and my life. I want him to know me for me; something that time cannot replace or take away. They say the mother/son bond is very strong and I hope this will always serves as a reminder that I am his first love and that I always will be in his corner.