Approaching Zion - Pt. 1

Anonymous - 30
New York, USA
Approaching Zion (5 weeks along)
Hi. I just got through reading your blog and Being Mama Daily and I felt the need to talk to you. I don't know if you remember but about two weeks ago, I responded to a comment you left in my journal and I was pretty vague. In complete confidence, I just wanted to talk to you a bit about your experiences as a mother. I know your last entry said that you are married. I was wondering if you were married with your first child as well…
quiet quiet quiet: but I just found out that I'm five weeks pregnant. And your last comment [you look beautiful and happy in these photos] caught me right when I was trying to decide what I was going to do. The site and the stories and a combination of other things led me to make the decision to be a mother. The timing is all wrong and it's the last thing I would have chosen but it chose me for a reason.
I'm just reaching out to all the mamas I can find because I'm so conflicted and confused but still somehow feel like I'm doing the right thing despite feeling like I have nothing to offer this child right now.
So yeah… I would love to talk to you about this if that's okay.
*This new mama needs a bit of our shelter, warmth, light.