The 11th Commandment
Jamila -23
1 child - girl (11 mo)
As a young single mother I have become accustomed to people, particularly older women, constantly trying to usurp my authority.
Case in point: I told a woman that I did not want my daughter drinking kool-aid. Why did this women insist that my daughter needed kool-aid and attempt to give it to her anyway - right in front of my face?
Another case in point: I told my aunt that I did not want her placing stickers into my daughters first year calender because it was something that I wanted to do myself. Why did this women put the stickers on the calender anyway?
Tonight I told my mother that I did not want my daughter doing something that my mother wanted her to do. So, while I am ironing my mothers jeans, why does she allow my daughter to do what I had told her several times I did not want my daughter doing. And then my mother laughs and says she let her do it because I've done things in the past that she didn't want me to do.
I'm angry and I'm giving my mother the cold shoulder until I leave this house on June 12th.
While I type this post my mother is sitting behind me on my bed trying to have a conversation with me and frankly, I'm not having it. Furthermore, for the entire remaining duration of my vacation I am not going to allow my mother to babysit. Just because I am a young mother does not give people the right to go behind my back and try to parent my child in a way that I have made explicitly clear I do not want my child being parented.
If they will not respect my wishes they will not be allowed to be alone with my child. PERIOD.