Monday, February 27, 2006

Who knew?!

A girlfriend who loves BMD was incredulous when I asked her how come she didn't leave comments for all of the journal entries that she enjoys so much. She furrowed her brow and squeaked, "Who knew you could comment?!"

Cleary there has been some faulty assumptions made on our part.

If you scroll down to the end of each entry and look to the right, you will see the word "comments" with a number just to the left of it. If you click the word "comment" you will see/read all of the things other mothers have had to say about that particular entry.

This is where you come in: to the right of those comments there is an empty box [big, empty box] It is there so that you can talk back to the mothers, co-sign, give an "Amen!" or whatever floats your boat. In any event, there is a place for you to have your say - everytime a new post goes up.

After you type in your comment you need to look just beneath the comment box where you will be asked to choose an identity (don't get nervous) most of you will fall under the catagory of "other" If you want to make an "anonymous" comment, that option exists as well.

After you check "other" a new set of boxes will pop up and ask for your name. You can use your real name, an online alias or the name you always wished your mama had given you - clearly this is your choice.

And when all of that is done press "publish", or if you're really anal like me, press "preview" to check you work (it's an old college habit)

Okay ladies (and gentlemen) if we are all clear now.....let's comment.

Go. now. Scat!

Being Mama Daily