Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Conversations With a Three Year Old

Andi - 47
Philadelphia, PA
3 boys - Buster(18) Buddy Boy(3),

Punkin (15 months)

In the car:

Buddy Boy –
Where is the sun?
Behind the clouds?
Is he hiding?
Is he hiding behind the clouds?
Is he lost?
Is he shivering?
Where is his mother?
Where is the sun’s mother?

At the dinner table:

Mom –
Eat your broccoli.

Buddy Boy –
I can’t eat my broccoli because Jesus doesn’t like broccoli. Jesus is in my heart and my tummy and he says he doesn’t like broccoli.

Buster –
I think he ‘gets’ religion.

In the Living room, sitting at his toy piano:

Buddy Boy –
Me and Punkin are brown!
Ma, me and Punkin are brown?

Mom –

Buddy Boy –
And we love each other! (hugs and kisses his brother)
(sings) I love Punkin and you, Punkin and you. I love Punkin and you, Punkin and you.Buccu Boo, Buccu, Boo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved this one. LOL I have a grand nephew who is two and spends a lot of time with me and the conversations between us keeping me in stitches.

I can't wait to be a grandmother but the daughter who is 26 says, "Don't count on it." so the grand nephew is my best bet. LOL

But I do admire your courage. An 18 year old and a three and 15 month old? God bless you!

I like his way of thinking that if something is not to his liking, then God does not like it either. Smart boy.


12:01 PM  
Blogger the prisoner's wife said...

i should have tried that broccoli routine when i was younger. that made me laugh!

1:27 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

This really makes me want a son. But I'm sure thats just my perri menopausal harmones speaking. Pay me no attention. LOL

2:22 PM  
Blogger soledadsista3 said...

being the mama of a three year old (well, just turned three year old), I know exactly what you mean...they've got this wonderful way of rationalizing EVERYTHING...I laugh everytime my son says something completely out of context...the cutest thing.
I never thought I'd like the three's, but I am starting to enjoy them more and more...

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the kind of thing that makes me know that it is much bigger than bath and dinner time, driving to and from school, laundry and fussing, fussing, fussing.

sometimes these children say things to us, things that on any other day might seem to pass by in a hiccup but on another day, we are suddenly sure they belong here, in that exact space, in our specific care, teaching us how to see and question and appreciate the ground beneath our feet.

7:49 PM  
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11:36 PM  

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