Friday, July 25, 2008

you need to see this


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this. I did not know about this film until your post- despite that fact that it was on PBS Feb 2007. The film shows how systematic the problems are.

How do we reclaim the hip hop we love?

I miss there being a range of styles and messages in hip hop music. I resent not being able to listen to slammin' beats on local hip hop radio station because the lyrics of those songs are offensive and inappropriate for the children riding with me.

Perhaps one answer is to give massive support to independent labels or projects from the big labels that coincide with more positive values. To show financial support-- since money is the big motivator for the industry-- so as to prove there is a market for less destructive music.

I wonder what it will take to turn the tide...

12:06 PM  
Blogger admin said...

This disappointed me and broke my heart. Despite knowing this had to be the mindset of these gentlemen, hearing them be so cavalier and myopic, made me sad; for them and their obvious dearth of esteem as well as for the average black child on the streets who will be saddled by the burdens of this new and sinister kind of image making. Because when it comes to us, the average american thinks that what they see on television and get through music is what we are in total.

And in looking at this video, so many of us think that these images are the sum total of Being Black as well.

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. I think we are living in sad times. We as people glorify the negative messages in Hip Hop Lyrics by supporting and making these artist rich. The more degrading the more money the music makes. I'm regularly switching the stations when riding in the car with my children. I get so embarrassed, but I know they're still hearing these same messages when I'm not around.

1:37 PM  
Blogger admin said...

But despite that MD, we need to keep teaching our children the difference between what is appropriate and what is not. That way when they become the decision makers they will be fully prepared.

Stay vigilant.

2:34 PM  
Blogger GaBrilla Ballard said...

I recently viewed this video and as the mother of a 3 year old boy, many questions came up for me. Some As I allowed the fears and anger come up into my mind, without getting attached, I was calm and rational enough to ask myself, what agreements are we making that perpetuate the information that I received in this documentary? How can I/ We identify how we contribute in both conscious and unconscious ways of this degradation? How can we amass larger levels of support for people like Byron Hurt who are investing their energy in life sustaining pursuits?. I believe that a lot of the things that we have seen in the video were effects of a bigger cause. And the effects of the big cause become causes in themselves, of other things. Whereas I see the importance of brining light to these issues, it is equally important for us to not get stuck there. All that said, I really appreciated the spirit behind the creation of this film.

May this find you well,

In Greatness,
GaBrilla Ballard

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is truly hard for artists to be heard without a groundswell of everyday folks saying "this is what we want!". My hubby and I are trying to help a new children's movie get some attention and it is HARD to get people to CARE!

So it is pretty easy to see how the proliferation of violent and self-destructive messages are well funded and publicized.

When will we see our power lies in our collective [WE/US/OUR]?

Mom of 2 daughters

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That was really a great documentary. Thank you for sharing it. I don't have anything intellectual to contribute to the comments. I do want to thank you for blogging, though. I'm on my own anti-racist parenting journey and found your blog through another anti-racist blog.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Tottenham Hotspur FC said...

its a great job...Thank u for sharing it....

8:42 AM  
Blogger ركن كلين said...

ارخص شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض
تعتبر أعمال التنظيف من أهم المجالات التى لابد من الاهتمام بها لتحافظ على سلامة الاثاث الخاص بك فسرعان ما يتعرض الاثاث للاتساخات نتيجة كثيرة الاستعمال بالاضافه الى الاطفال اللذين لديهم دور كبير فى تلوث الاثاث واتساخه لذلك نحن كشركة نظافة نعتمد على أدوات مميزة وحديثة.
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4:24 AM  
Blogger Chad Antonio said...

10:52 PM  

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